Meeting times: Mondays 7-9 pm
Term: Elected for 3 years at the Annual Town Meeting
Email: hphssc@northamptonma.gov
Title V Inquiries: Lisa Laveck: 413-587-4903
All other Inquiries: Kristen Dearborn: 413-587-1314
Mailing Address: DHHS c/o HPHSSC, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA 01060
Middlefield Board of Health Mailing Address
P.O. Box 238, Middlefield, MA 01243
Septic system info: https://www.mass.gov/septic-systems-title-5
Septic system permitting: Middlefield Inspectional Services, Northampton, MA
Official Website: northamptonma.gov
Private wells: https://www.mass.gov/private-wells
Local boards of health in Massachusetts are required by state laws and regulations to perform many important duties relative to the protection of the public health, control of disease, promotion of sanitary living conditions and the protection of the environment from pollution. The Middlefield Select Board acts as the Board of Health for the town.
The Town of Middlefield is part of the newly formed Hampshire Public Health Shared Services Collaborative (HPHSSC). We are one of 14 communities working together to expand local public health capacity by pooling resources and expertise to meet Performance Standards. HPHSSC are supporting the Board of Health for inspectional services for performing Food Service Establishment Inspections, Housing and Title V; reviewing designs for construction and repair of septic systems, private wells and investigating public nuisance complaints. Permits are required from the Board of Health prior to repairing or constructing septic systems, and installing private wells. You must also have your septic system inspected prior to selling your home by a qualified Title V System Inspector.
If you need any assistance with the above inspectional services, please email us at hphssc@northamptonma.gov or call 413-587-4903 and we would be happy to assist you.
Effective January 1, 2022 the fees are:
Septic system installer $125
Septic system pumper/hauler $125
Construction permit for new/upgraded septic system $250
Perc test witness fee minimum $125 for the first 4 hours or part thereof, and $50 for each additional hour or part thereof
Food permit — no fee
Check should be made out to “Town of Middlefield”.
Applications should be mailed to: DHHS c/0 HPHSSC, 212Main Street, Northampton, MA 01060
Disposal System Construction Permit applications for septic systems must include two (2) paper copies with the application and payment mailed to: DHHS c/o HPHSSC, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA 01060.
All other fees to be mailed to the town directly.
Member | Title |
Kristen Dearborn, Shared Service Coordinator | Non-Member 413-587-1314 |
Lisa Laveck, Dept. Assistant | Non-Member 413-587-4903 |
Middlefield Selectboard | Members |