Middlefield’s CodeRED Emergency Notification System provides high-speed delivery of Emergency messages and instructions to the whole town or specific areas by phone, text message, and/or e-mail. The new Single Sign-On (SSO) feature streamlines the registration process and makes it easier for residents to access their account to make changes later. Click CodeRED to sign up or change your information. (Be sure to include your cell phone(s), as there are no cell or VoIP phone numbers in the initial database.)
Frequently Asked Questions
What is CodeRED?
The CodeRED Emergency Notification System is a fast communication service that allows our emergency responders to quickly notify Middlefield citizens of emergency situations, such as fires, hurricanes, floods, road & bridge closings, and crime alerts.
How will I benefit from this service?
You will receive rapid notice of an emergency situation, what action needs to be taken if any, and notification when the situation has been resolved.
What do I have to do to receive this benefit?
You must register your home, cellular phone or business phone number and/or email address in the CodeRED database.
How does it work?
CodeRED delivers messages sent by your emergency responders to phone numbers in the CodeRED database. Emergency responders access CodeRED via a secure portal on the web. A ‘call area’ will be marked identifying street addresses. Telephone numbers will be matched up electronically to these addresses through the use of a Geographical Information System (GIS). A pre-recorded message will be sent out to your telephone(s) with information about the incident and possibly instructions for action to be taken.
How will I recognize a CodeRED message?
A CodeRED Emergency message will have a caller ID of 866-419-5000. A CodeRED General message will have a caller ID 855-969-4636. (We suggest you program
both numbers in your cell phone as a “new contact” and use “Middlefield Emergency” and “Middlefield General” as the contact names.)
The message will begin:
“Hello, this is ______ calling with an important message from the Town of Middlefield.” The message content will follow this standard introduction.
What should I do if I receive a CodeRED message?
Listen carefully.
Follow instructions.
Don’t hang up until you hear the whole message (the message will not be repeated).
DO NOT CALL 9-1-1 unless instructed to do so (you will only tie up emergency lines).
How do I replay a message?
To replay the message, simply redial the number and you’ll hear it again.
What happens if the line is busy?
It the line is busy, CodeRED will try two more times to connect.
What should I do if I don’t receive a message?
Your area of town may not be affected. In which case, you won’t receive a call even if the incident is nearby.
Will the system work with cellular phones?
Yes. But your cell phone number needs to be associated with your Middlefield street address. We encourage you to register your cell phone number.
May I fill out multiple forms for one address?
Yes. For example, you can enter only two phone numbers on the form, so open new forms to register more numbers.
Does the town already have my phone number?
Information has already been entered using the Code Red Database and our town list. But if you sign up online you’ll assure that your information is current & complete, including cell phones and unlisted numbers.
Is the information I enter confidential?
CodeRED is a service of Network Emergency Communications (ECN) which takes security and privacy concerns very seriously and does not sell, trade, lease or loan any data about clients to any third party.
What if I am hearing impaired?
For those who are hearing impaired, the signup form offers a TDD ONLY option for tone delivery of emergency messages. Messages delivered to phone numbers marked TDD will only be delivered in a TDD/TTY format.
What if someone doesn’t have web access?
They may register using the public computers in the Town Hall auditorium.
What if I don’t want to receive Emergency notifications?
To be put on a Do Not Call list, please contact Police Chief Tom Austin.
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