Meeting times: As needed
Term: Appointed for 1 year by the selectboard
Email: middlefield.zba@gmail.com
Zoning Special Permit Application
Role of the Middlefield ZBA
The Middlefield Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) plays a crucial role in interpreting and managing
local zoning regulations. Its primary function is to ensure fair and consistent application of these
regulations. The ZBA hears and decides on applications for Special Permits, petitions for
variances, and appeals or petitions from any person aggrieved due to the inability to obtain a
permit or enforcement action.
The critical functions of the ZBA
1. Variance Requests: The ZBA reviews and decides on applications for variances. A
variance allows a property owner to deviate from the zoning bylaws' requirements due to
special property-related circumstances specified by the Massachusetts General Laws.
2. Special Permits: The ZBA has the authority to issue special permits for land uses that
are allowed under the zoning bylaws (articulated in Section III, Table 3.0 of the
Middlefield Zoning Bylaws) but require additional review and conditions to ensure they
won't negatively impact the community.
3. Appeals: The ZBA hears appeals from decisions made by the Building Commissioner. If
a property owner believes a zoning decision or interpretation is in error, they can appeal
to the ZBA for a review.
4. Comprehensive Permit Requests: The ZBA may be involved in reviewing
comprehensive permits, particularly for affordable housing projects that seek relief from
local zoning requirements.
The ZBA typically includes three volunteer members appointed by the Middlefield Select Board
and one alternate member. Their decisions can be appealed to the courts.
Its responsibility extends to ensuring that zoning regulations are applied fairly and consistently. It
plays a key role in balancing individual property rights with community interests, thereby
maintaining the harmony of the local area.
Member | Title |
Mark Lipton | Member |
Jay Swift | Alternate |
Maureen Sullivan | Member |
Sherri Venditti | Member |